
For the week of Monday, September 20, all grades return to school except for families who have opted in to the Virtual Option

Any student who is not registered for the Virtual Option, but is showing up in virtual classes will be considered absent from class unexcused. We need parents to opt in so that we know where students are learning from and so that we can partner with you in ensuring that your child is where you expect them to be. If you have not opted in and want to, please complete this form

We are all taking steps to make sure that our children remain healthy and that our scholars are able to learn and engage instruction whether they are working on-line or during in-person learning. On this webpage, please find important information that will have you navigate Virtual Learning. Please download the Virtual Learning Playbook for more information about:

  • How to log into learning,
  • How to get technology help for scholars and families
  • Daily bell schedule and calendar information
  • How to report an absence

What can virtual learning students expect?

  • Attend all 4 of their classes every day; Student absences will be reported to parents. To avoid phone calls, please call in their absences or submit them here: Attendance Reporting
  • Be able to access all of their assignments virtually,
  • Listen to their teacher give instructions, and
  • Ask questions of their teachers.
  • They can expect to attend office hours if they have questions about their assignments and have those questions answered within 24 hours.
  • Connect with their Mentor who will help them problem solve and help keep them accountable.

How to get Technology Support

Students and families should submit a ticket to the student-led Technology Help Desk if they are experiencing issues with technology, Internet, or log-in issues. The Technology Help Desk is your first point of contact in resolving technology issues at our school.

Enter a technology ticket here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1o063lH67lkzhCNOUnYMccoZffM0On_LReVLkgLMafLlEpg/viewform

How to use Newrow

For information about how scholars log-in to NewRow (our virutal learning platform), please click this link: https://hfca.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Newrow-Basics-for-Students-2.pdf  Scholars experiencing issues using NewRow should submit a ticket to the Technology Help Desk here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1o063lH67lkzhCNOUnYMccoZffM0On_LReVLkgLMafLlEpg/viewform

How to Register for COVID Testing

Testing is done two times a week on Tuesday and Thursday from 7 am to 8:50 am. No reservation is required. We do not want to single students out by rounding them up and separating who can test and who cannot. So that we do not have the divisiveness among students about testing/not testing seep into our school, it is preferable to have students know that it is your parental expectation that they will sign up for testing and then follow up with them if you do not receive a test result in your email on Tuesday or Thursday. If you do not receive a test result, then it is because they did not test. Only children with a parent’s consent to test will be tested.

  • Go to this link: https://Trackbynovir.com and Enter Org Code: 4030
  • Parents/Guardians – You will need to create a profile for yourself first, as the head of household, you will be consenting for your student(s) and you will receive notification to review their test result
  • Once your profile is complete you will add a profile for each student or minor that will be tested

Follow the prompts on the screen to fill in the appropriate information and don’t forget to click on the Consent Statements to review and approve – the following pages will ask for contact info, demographics, home address, and health questions. We highly recommend keeping the boxes checked for receiving text and email notifications – that will allow us to alert you as soon as a test result is loaded into your or your student’s account.

COVID Safety

  • All students and staff will engage in a health screening upon entry.
  • All students and staff are required to wear masks over their nose and mouth.
  • On Tuesdays and Thursdays, scholars will have a COVID Test.

Students with medical concerns or who are currently ill can apply for a virtual option by emailing Principal Parker at j.parker@hfca.org.


Students who are playing sports with Washington HS, here is their COVID safety plan: https://sites.google.com/milwaukee.k12.wi.us/mpscityconferencespringsports/home; of course you should confirm with your child that protocols are being followed.

Students who do not feel well and students living in households where someone has tested positive for COVID 19, ARE TO STAY HOME AND LOG INTO CLASS VIRTUALLY (ALTERNATE INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE PROVIDED WHEN YOU CALL IN THE ABSENCE). Parents should report the absence by calling the school office at (414) 873-4014 or Ms. Parker’s cell (773) 663-5471. Students will be able to join virtual class for the day. The procedure for doing this will be emailed on Sunday. Symptoms to be on the lookout for include:

  • Fever or Chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

How to Report an Absence

Please call the office to report absences or by completing this form: https://forms.gle/9hwavJa9CzfkcZEp8


Quick Links:

Infinite Campus

For scholars having issues logging into Infinite Campus, please watch this video: https://youtu.be/rSXL5ORLxlQ. Also, please remember to check your spam folder. Important notifications and other information can be found the Spam folders.

Below please find a weblink to a one-pager with information about Infinite Campus for Parents. Parents or family members who are unable to login should submit a ticket to the Technology Help Desk.

Resouce: Infinite Campus Log-in URL, https://wicloud3.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/howard_fuller.jsp
IC for Parents, https://hfca.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Infinite-Campus-Parent.pdf
Resource: Technology Help Desk, https://forms.gle/4FSW6ikcue73UvML6


4030 N. 29th Street,
Milwaukee, WI 53216
PHONE: (414) 873-4014
FAX: (414) 873-4344
Judith Parker, Principal

Student Arrival & Dismissal
School opens for breakfast at 7:35 a.m.
The first bell rings at 8 a.m.
Scholars are dismissed at 3:30 p.m.

Wednesday Early Release
On Wednesdays, students have an Early Release and are dismissed at 12:30 p.m.


Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy

Our Schools

Middle School
Mardak-Vandenburg Campus

4030 N. 29th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53216

LaQuasha Logan, Middle School Principal
Tanesha Jones, Middle School Assistant Principal


High School Campus

2212 N. Vel R. Phillips Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53212

Philip Smith, High School Principal
Andrew Carek, High School Assistant Principal


Phone:  (414) 873-4014

For inquiries regarding access to school records, please contact our Office Manager at Sabrina.Hightower@hfca.org