As we approach College Decision Day on May 7, Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy is highlighting members of this year’s amazing graduating class.
Meet Talayah Sonny-Johnson. During her senior year at HFCA she has been accepted into 16 colleges and has earned over $61,000 in scholarship dollars. Her dream is to study nursing and go into pediatrics to help children.
Talayah says she has learned a lot during her four years of high school. She has learned the importance of using the resources presented to her and how to get her work done on time. Her advice to her fellow classmates is to “never give up, learn how to manage your time, do not procrastinate, get your wok done right away and go to office hours if you need help.”
She also appreciates all of the support and care that the teachers and mentors at HFCA have provided her and want her classmates to know that they can get help if they need it.
“Studious, kind, and thoughtful, Talayah is a consistent representative of what it means to be a HFCA. scholar. I’m proud of her as a scholar and as a person,” said Mr. Pounders, 12th-grade English teacher.
“Talayah is a quiet force. Never one to want the spotlight in school, she quietly completed her work to a high level, worked cooperatively in small groups, and supported her classmates.
“Talayah is reliable, caring, and sweet! I’ll miss her so much when she graduates, as she made HFCA a better place!” said Ms. Steggall, Dual Enrollment Coordinator and Instructional Coach.
Scholars like Talayah are an inspiration as they have continued to succeed despite the difficulties this past year has presented her. Her mindset and drive will take her far, allowing her to continue to act as an example for us all!
Dr. Howard Fuller Academy is celebrating the Class of 2021 as we approach HFCA’s College Decision Day on May 7, 2021. Dr. Howard Fuller Academy is a college prep urban high school with a college acceptance of 100% since 2012.