
Medication Policy and Forms >

According to our medication policy, students who need medication administered during school hours must first complete a medication consent form from both the physician and the parent.  Parental permission for school personnel to supervise the consumption of medicines is also mandatory. Authorization forms must be on file for each medication your student needs. Enclosed are samples of the forms:

  1. Medical Provider Authorization Form – used for prescription medications.
  2. Parent/ Guardian Medication Authorization Form – used for all medication.
  3. Asthma Inhaler Administration Authorization Form – used for inhalers.

Students are now allowed to keep any type of medicine in their possession while in attendance at CEO.  All medicine must be kept in the school office.  This includes but not limited to Advil, Mydol, Tylenol and other similar pain relievers.   (The exception would be inhalers but an Asthma Inhaler form must be completed by a medical provider and kept on file in the school office.)

Non-prescription Medication

 Non-prescription medication (over the counter) which is FDA approved can be administered. The Parent/ Guardian Medication Authorization Form must be on file in the school office.  All non-prescription medication (including aspirin, Tylenol, etc.) must come to school in the original manufacturer’s packaging with ingredients and recommended dosage.   Non- prescription medication must be supplied by the parent in the original container with the student’s name affixed.

Prescription Medication

All prescription medication  must come to school in a pharmacy-labeled container indicating the correct dosage and administration instructions.  The  Medical Provider Authorization Form  and The Parent/ Guardian Medication Authorization Form must be on file in the school office.  If any information on either of the forms changes, new forms must be updated and filed with the school office.

Asthma Medication

All inhaler medication must come to school in a pharmacy-labeled container indicating the correct dosage and administration instructions. The student may self-administer such inhalers with written approval of the student’s physician and parent or guardian.  Asthma Inhaler Administration Authorization Formand The Parent/ Guardian Medication Authorization Form must be on file in the school office.  If any information on either of the forms changes,new forms must be updated and filed with the school office.