In July, this 10th-grade scholar travelled to UW-Platteville for a weeklong college experience. She got a chance to preview a few college courses including Chemistry, Criminal Justice, and Writing Enrichment.
Greetings HFCA families and scholars,
We hope you are enjoying your summer! We are beginning to prepare for the upcoming school year and we are very excited for the prospect of a new building in the Bronzeville neighborhood. As you think about the start of school, please find information on saving your seat, uniform expectations, school calendar, health and safety, and student fees.
Save Your Seat
First things first, because we have a large number of freshmen seeking seats at HFCA it is important that all families complete the Confirm My Enrollment form by clicking the button below. If you are an existing family who plans to transfer to a different school, please let us know as quickly as possible so that we can prepare transcripts in time for the start of school by calling our office at (414) 873-4014. Finally, If you are new or returning and have recently moved, it is important you confirm your new address using the Confirm My Enrollment form below.
Health and Safety
As we begin planning for the upcoming school year, we need your input on our plan to know what will be comfortable for your child. Our past Health and Safety Plan emphasized mandatory twice-weekly testing and 100% masking. COVID vaccinations are not required but are strongly encouraged for scholars attending our school. The new BA5 variant is highly transmissible. Milwaukee’s Health Commissioner recommends everyone 12 years and older should get a COVID-19 vaccination to help protect against COVID-19. Please follow the link below to complete our Health Feeback Survey.
COVID Testing
If you are not yet registered for testing with our partner NOVIR, please do so using the link below and our organization code 4030. Covid testing is available to all students and their family members on Tuesday and Thursdays (call for times until school starts). To be tested you simply need to register using the link below. The test result can be used with employers as proof of positive/negative results.
HFCA organization code: 4030
Uniform shirts can be purchased at the school beginning August 17th. They will be available for purchase at Orientation and Registration August 24, from noon to 5 p.m. Below is a list of uniform expectations for the 2022-2023 school year.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
- Black Polo (or special designated polo for Tech Ambassadors, National Honor Society) (see example right)
- Black Shoes (see example right) – black with one accent color is acceptable
- No sweats or leggings
- Black or Brown belts
- HFCA Crew Sweatshirt: No HOODIES
HFCA Spirit Day
- HFCA spirit wear and jerseys
- Shoes of your choice (sandals, flip-flops, or house shoes are not allowed)
College Friday
- College sweatshirt, t-shirt, or jersey
- Jeans and shoes of your choice are permitted
Early College Scholars
Only students enrolled in dual enrollment college classes can be out of uniform Monday through Thursday. Early College scholars can be completely out of uniform with the following restrictions:
- No tops that show midriffs or shoulders or are otherwise revealing in nature
- No pajama pants or leisure attire
- No tops with slogans or images that are offensive to groups, cultures, religions or genders
- Early college scholars must wear college gear on Friday
Student Fees
Student fees include a college t-shirt to be worn on Fridays and an HFCA t-shirt to be worn on Wednesdays. Fees also helps support college tours and field trips (approximately 4 to 6 per year). Fees can be paid at the Registration Event on August 24 from noon to 5:30 p.m.). Fees can be paid in installments, a $25 downpayment is required to receive the additional shirts and to be permitted on the first field trip in September. Future payments can be made at Parent Teacher Conferences or at any time during the year.
- $50 for one student,
- $80 for two students
- $100 for three or more students
Additional Fees
Additional fees will be charged for:
- Lost or damaged (graffitti, careless use, vandalized) textbooks, books/novels, chromebook chargers, and Chromebooks
- Replacement Chargers: $15
- Graduation expenses
- Replacement IDs
- Work Permits
Back to School Calendar
To download the 2022-2023 school year calendar, please click the button below.
- August 23: New Students (9th grader and transfer students)
- August 24: New students college visit; Field Trip permission slip required
- August 30: All Students return
- September 2: No School: Labor Day Weekend

Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy
Our Schools
Middle School
Mardak-Vandenburg Campus
4030 N. 29th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53216
LaQuasha Logan, Middle School Principal
Tanesha Jones, Middle School Assistant Principal
High School Campus
2212 N. Vel R. Phillips Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Philip Smith, High School Principal
Andrew Carek, High School Assistant Principal
Phone: (414) 873-4014
For inquiries regarding access to school records, please contact our Office Manager at Sabrina.Hightower@hfca.org
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