Please join Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy on Tuesday, October 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. At the meeting, parents will learn more about how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) for their scholar.
Every student is required fill out the FAFSA or “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” when they are a senior. Students typically qualify for Federal Aid based on their parent/guardian’s income. Parent tax return will be needed to complete the application. Qualifying for federal aid can make a student eligible not only for student loans, but for federal grants or work-study programs. Most states and schools use FAFSA information to award their financial aid.
By not completing a FAFSA, your scholar is missing out on a seriously good deal. Federal grants do not need to be repaid, federal student loans have low interest rates and work-study programs can be a convenient way to simultaneously fund an education and build a resume.
For more information, please contact Ms. Cohen at or call our office at (414) 873-4014.

Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy
Our Schools
Middle School
Mardak-Vandenburg Campus
4030 N. 29th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53216
LaQuasha Logan, Middle School Principal
Tanesha Jones, Middle School Assistant Principal
High School Campus
2212 N. Vel R. Phillips Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Philip Smith, High School Principal
Andrew Carek, High School Assistant Principal
Phone: (414) 873-4014
For inquiries regarding access to school records, please contact our Office Manager at
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